Source: Opinium on behalf of PwC UK, February 2017. “Women in Technology.”

Aaliyah John
she/her"An internship can provide clarity and can teach you so much about the field you want to work in and about yourself."
Source: Opinium on behalf of PwC UK, February 2017. “Women in Technology.”
By 2028, it’s estimated that the United States will only be producing 19% of the graduates necessary to meet the nation’s tech workforce needs.
While it’s essential to encourage young girls’ interest in computer science and tech during their K–12 years, the data shows that it’s not enough.
We need to enable and empower women (trans and cis) and nonbinary people in tech, especially Black, Latina, and Indigenous women, through their college years.
Today, 57% of all bachelor’s degrees are awarded to women. Yet only 1.4% of these women are studying computer science and related disciplines [source].
No matter if you’re a student, employer, or faculty member, it’s time to make a move.
We have an extraordinary opportunity to meet our growing workforce needs.
"An internship can provide clarity and can teach you so much about the field you want to work in and about yourself."
The future of innovation depends on all of us, and gender equality in tech can't wait.
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